This products are directly from the factory. We supportwholesale, retailing, make-to-order! We encourage sampling; with 25RMB for each sample.It takes ONE day to confirm the order and give a detail quoted price. Once customer agree with the price, we will manufacture RIGHT AWAY. The production time depends on the required amount. 本产品尺寸:17.5*11*6.5CM!也可按客户需求:来图 来样定制 款式和尺寸,单个入OPP袋!如需纸盒包装可另外增加定制 产品净重:0.18KG! 一箱可装:70PCS 箱规:60*45*40CM 净重:13KG 毛重:14KG Prduct feature Product size:(L*W*D)17.5*11*7CM It able topersonalise and customise the size and the logo. It wrapped with a single OPP bag and put in paper box. Product net weight:0.18KG 50 piecesper box Box size(L*W*D)60*45*40CM Box net weight:13KG Gross weight:14KG 产品内部可容纳;洗漱用品 手机 充电器 各类旅行用品! 洗漱包外壳用了ABS+PC环保材质,内里布用;五美段 无 材质! 不会释放任何有 物质,接触皮肤时不易产生不适反应 可与食品接触,携带婴幼儿食品,健康安全喔~ps:全部都是实物图,拍前请仔细阅读。
Description High capacity and multi- purp ose. Great for home storage and cosmetic product, small stuff organisation. The exterior shell of the product useABS+PCenvironmental friendly material. The interior cloth use satin, a NON-toxic material. It does NOT release any toxic material. There is NO irritation. It is safe for food storage. Ps: All photo are of the actual product. Please read through all description before bidding. *独 家真正*!支持一件代发!常年出口到韩国,日本,新加坡,马来西亚,港澳台均有长期合作代理,由于网络抄袭严重更多新品特殊做工可加 微信询看:1538032**** QQ:1228364908 电话:1586173**** For any question or further more information, welcome to contact u WeChat account:1538032**** Tel no:1586173**** 标签: 新款迷彩... 创意迷彩... 迷彩洗漱... 旅行化妆... 硬壳迷你... 新款迷彩洗漱盒 创意迷彩洗漱盒 迷彩洗漱盒厂家 旅行化妆女包 硬壳迷你小箱子 pc防水功能韩男包 上海市迷彩洗漱盒 上海市迷彩洗漱盒厂家 上海市 上海市[新款迷彩洗漱盒
上海市迷彩洗漱盒厂家 新款迷彩洗漱盒 创意迷彩洗漱盒 迷彩洗漱盒厂家 旅行化妆女包 硬壳迷你小箱子